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时间:2024-07-01 02:11:02 来源:澳门新菊京妖乐城 点击:

本文摘要:一位电子邮件的知情者近期发布了2017年伊隆马斯克的圣诞卡内容,让我们幸运地一睹为快。马斯克在贺卡中这样写到: 地球众生都是以地球环绕太阳的公转周期作为一年的计量,但是我总是与时间具有有所不同的关系,而且并某种程度因为我是火星人。(这只是打趣,你不用上当。 )但即使是我也无法坚称时间于是以向前发展。我的人生中再次发生了如此多的事情,而且现在或许是共享我的家庭成员近期成绩的较好时机。 SpaceX(15岁)生长的十分很快。


一位电子邮件的知情者近期发布了2017年伊隆马斯克的圣诞卡内容,让我们幸运地一睹为快。马斯克在贺卡中这样写到:  地球众生都是以地球环绕太阳的公转周期作为一年的计量,但是我总是与时间具有有所不同的关系,而且并某种程度因为我是火星人。(这只是打趣,你不用上当。


  SpaceX(15岁)生长的十分很快。SpaceX不仅顺利在今年夏天已完成了国际空间站的第12次再行给养任务,而且一份非常详尽的殖民火星计划突显着它的大大提高的野心。这项计划中包括了一个被公司称作BFR火箭的行星间运输系统,而且将在5年内修建已完成。  特斯拉(14岁)在今年夏天允诺开始交付给Model 3汽车之后,我的这个小汽车制造商为了达成协议目标一路飞驰。

Model 3可以说道是一项奇迹,享有极大的玻璃车顶、革命性的触屏界面以及你所期望的特斯拉加快能力。我可以认同早已预计Model 3的40万消费者在获得他们的汽车之后不会尊重我的观点。

男孩子的特斯拉样子还不符合于此,今年还展出了一款电动卡车,而且有许多公司早已下了订单,此外还有一款需要给汽油车带给冲击的全新跑车。  OpenAI(2岁)和Neuralink(1岁)。



Boring理解我对于公共交通系统的点子,而且让我安心的是这些隧道是为充满著想象力的超强电路列车和乘坐电动滑板行动的私家车打算的。如果有一天老年人需要搭乘地下运输系统去探望自己的孩子的话,我会深感很难过,我不用担忧连环杀人恶魔或者是其他危险性人物经常出现。  那么长话短说,给我的朋友们、粉丝们、伙伴们、竞争对手们还有投资者们送来上我最真诚的祝福。

愿为你们的生活和我们的一样富裕、令人振奋而且充满著野心!(过客)  以下为贺卡英文原文:  Earthlings measure years by how long it takes this planet to revolve around its sun, but Ive always had a different relationship with time, and not just because Im a Martian. (Kidding. Maybe. You know, dont worry about it.) But even I cant deny things are moving forward. And with so much going on in my life, this seems as good a time as any to share my family's latest accomplishments.  (NB: For ease of use, Ill be using Earth years.)  SpaceX (age 15)Man these companies grow up fast. SpaceX didnt just successfully launch its 12th resupply missionto the International Space Station this summer, it upped its ambitions with a pretty detailed plan for colonizing Mars. (OK, as long as it comes home for Thanksgiving and Christmas!) The scheme involves an Interplanetary Transport System the company calls the BFR, or Big Fucking Rocket (you wonder where they get their sense of humor!), which it will definitely have built in just five years.  Tesla (age 14)After promising to start deliveries of its affordable Model 3 sedan this summer, my little automaker went all the way to production hell to make it happen. And boy is the car a wonder, with its huge glass roof, innovative touchscreen interface (so long, dashboard), and all the acceleration you know to expect from Tesla. Im sure the 400,000 people who have pre-ordered one will agree whenever they get theirs! As if that wasnt enough, my precocious teen showed off an electric semitrucka bunch of companies have already put their orders inand a new version of the Roadster, just to give a hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars. And it did it all even with the SEC poking aroundand handling a class action lawsuit accusing it of racist practices! This is the kid who does all the extracurriculars.  OpenAI and Neuralink (ages 2, 1)Ive always thought we should merge our brains with computers, and Im so glad two of my youngest are dedicated to making it happen. As if that werent enough, OpenAI is using surprisingly svelte sumo wrestlersto make artificial intelligence smarter and nimbler. Maybe itll even find the time to help big brother Tesla with that AI chip its making for Autopilot.  The Boring Company (age 1)Celebrated its first birthday this month! And based on the tunnels it has been digging under SpaceXs headquarters in Los Angeles and under Baltimore, I have to wonder if someone cheated on me with the moleman! Now, Boring knows my views on public transit, and has reassured me these tunnels will be for fancy hyperloops and private cars on electric sleds, only. Im glad to know that when its time for the old man to visit his kid underground, I wont have to worry about serial killers or even other people.  So, my friends and fans, comrades and competitors, investors short and long, my best tidings. May your lives be as rich, electrifying, and ambitious as ours.。









